South Pacific Private is Australia’s leading treatment centre for addiction, trauma and mental health conditions such as depression and anxiety.
Title | Author | Category |
Living Sober | Alcoholics Anonymous | Addiction |
Recover to Live: Kick any habit, manage any addiction | Christopher Lawford | Addiction |
Clean | David Sheff | Addiction |
Spirit Junkie | Gabrielle Bernstein | Addiction |
Working the Steps | Gamblers Anonymous | Addiction |
It Works: How and why | Narcotics Anonymous | Addiction |
Living Clean: The journey continues | Narcotics Anonymous | Addiction |
Narcotics Anonymous Little White Book | Narcotics Anonymous | Addiction |
Cruise Control: Understanding sex addiction in gay men | Robert Weiss | Addiction |
Coming back from a Relapse Workbook | Sherry Schultz | Addiction |
The Road to Wellbriety | White Bison | Addiction |
Living with it: A survivor's guide to panic attacks | Bev Aisbett | Anxiety |
The Anxiety and Phobia Workbook | Edmund Bourne | Anxiety |
Tell it to the world | Stan Grant | Biographies |
The Happiness Trap: Stop Struggling, Start Living | Russ Harris | Depression |
I Don’t Want to Talk About it: Overcoming the Secret of Male Depression | Terrence Real | Depression |
Eating in the Light of the Moon: How women can transform their relationship with food through myths, metaphors and storytelling | Anita Johnston | Eating |
Mindful Eating: A Guide to rediscovering a healthy and joyful relationship with food | Jan Chozen Bays | Eating |
Fat is a Family Affair: A guide for people with eating disorders and those who love them | Judi Hollis | Eating |
8 Keys to Recovery from an Eating Disorder | Carolyn Costin | Eating |
Bradshaw On: The Family: A new way of creating solid self-esteem | John Bradshaw | Family |
Family Ties that Bind: A self-help guide to change through family of origin therapy | Ronald Richardson | Family |
Coming out of shame, transforming Gay and Lesbian lives | Gershan Kaufman PHD and Lex Raphael PHD | LGBTIQ+ |
Becoming Gay: The journey to self-acceptance | Richard A. Isay MD | LGBTIQ+ |
Tomorrow will be Different: Love, loss and the fight for Trans equality | Sarah Mc Bride | LGBTIQ+ |
The Half Lived Life | John Lee | Men's Issues |
Breaking the Mother-Son Dynamic | John Lee | Men's Issues |
Iron John | Robert Bly | Men's Issues |
Beyond Anger, A Guide for Men | Thomas J Harbin | Men's Issues |
Tears and Tantrums | Aletha J Solter | Parenting |
The Aware Baby | Aletha J Solter | Parenting |
Attachment Play | Aletha J Solter | Parenting |
No Drama No Discipline | Daniel J Siegel MD Tina Payne Bryson PHD | Parenting |
Playful Parenting | Larry Cohen | Parenting |
Listen | Patty Wipfler | Parenting |
Love and Addiction | Lorraine Wood | Recovery |
Love and Addiction: The workbook | Lorraine Wood and Sophie Lippell | Recovery |
Your Erroneous Zones | Wayne Dwyer | Recovery |
The Power of Intention | Wayne Dwyer | Recovery |
Healing the Shame that Binds You | John Bradshaw | Recovery |
The Half Lived Life | John Lee | Relationships |
Breaking the Mother Son Dynamic | John Lee | Relationships |
Iron John | Robert Bly | Relationships |
Beyond Anger, A Guide for Men | Thomas J Harbin | Relationships |
Daring Greatly: How the courage to be vulnerable transforms the way we live, love, parent and lead | Brene Brown | Self-Esteem |
The Four Agreements – A practical guide to personal freedom | Don Miguel Ruiz | Self-Esteem |
Dying to me | Ahnita Moojani | Spirituality |
Prayer Partners | August Gold | Spirituality |
I need your love – is that true? | Byron Katie | Spirituality |
The Game of Life | Florence Scovel Shinn | Spirituality |
Transform Fear to faith | Gabrielle Bernstein | Spirituality |
A Return to Love | Marianne Williamson | Spirituality |
The Untethered Soul: The journey beyond yourself | Michael A. Singer | Spirituality |
The Universe Has Your Back | Gabrielle Bernstein | Spirituality |
Judgement Detox | Gabrielle Bernstein | Spirituality |
Miracles Now | Gabrielle Bernstein | Spirituality |
Tears and Triumph | Marianne Williamson | Spirituality |
Milk and Honey | Rupi Kaur | Women's Issues |
Websites + Apps
Al – ANON AI-Anon & Alateen + ACOA
AA – Alcoholics Anonymous
CODA – Codependants Anonymous
CMA – Crystal Meth Anonymous
DA – Debtors Anonymous
GA – Gamblers Anonymous
OA – Overeaters Anonymous
NA – Narcotics Anonymous
SLAA – Sex & Love Addicts Anonymous
Hand in Hand Parenting: