South Pacific Clinical Team Complete Post-Induction Therapy Training
October 12, 2021
Pia Mellody’s Renowned PIT Training Completed By South Pacific’s Entire Therapy Team
At South Pacific Private, we recognise that investing in training is a vital way to continually approve our services! It is with great pleasure that we share the news that our entire therapy team has just completed Pia Mellody’s renowned Post Induction Therapy (PIT) training online through The Meadows in Arizona.
It has been an inspiring professional development opportunity for our clinicians. It has cemented each of the team members passion in delivering this important work and supporting clients in their recovery journey, and we are proud to support them in learning and evolving as a team.
It is also an exciting time to be at the forefront of trauma therapy, as there is wider recognition of the prevalence and impact of trauma and greater understanding of treatment approaches. At South Pacific, we are incredibly fortunate to have a 30 year association with The Meadows, which allows us to offer this powerful, unique and specialised form of trauma and addiction work to our clients More recently, we can see the latest scientific research coming from the world leaders in trauma confirms its efficacy and supports all of the different components of our program.
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The Meadows PIT training is presented by world leaders in the field online for the first time in response to Covid pandemic. It offered our therapists a best-practice approach to treatment for unresolved trauma and complex PTSD. A first-hand introduction to Pia Mellody’s work, the training has been a unique learning opportunity for our therapists to deep dive into each of the core tenets of her developmental framework, increasing their capacity to recognise the presentation in an individual and to skillfully apply the model.
An exciting addition to this training is the inclusion of recent updates to the Model of Developmental Immaturity, which will allow therapists for the first time to identify trauma in a client that has occurred at different age categories, and which lead to different symptoms. Understanding these distinctions gives clinicians the advantage of working more specifically with trauma and to tailor the appropriate intervention. We are also proud to share that all of clinicians have been furthered skilled in the vital components of our Changes Program (i.e., shame and feeling reduction work) through the experiential training offered by The Meadows.
By providing the internationally recognised Post Induction Therapy training to our therapists it has given us a great opportunity to review learnings, and update and evolve our approach in line with the best available research and training.
If you have any further questions or concerns, please don’t hesitate to get in touch with us via email or by calling 1800 063 332.