Self-Assessment: Anxiety
This self-assessment is designed to help you identify key indicators of anxiety and to raise awareness about cyclical patterns, physical symptoms and the way in which anxiety may be constraining your life, or the life of a loved one. It is not intended as a clinical diagnostic tool.
Do I have a Problem with Anxiety?
Anxiety refers to a complex and often overwhelming array of negative emotions which can include dread, worry, panic, nervousness, restlessness and fear. What we’re looking for when we’re making a diagnosis is evidence that these emotions are persistent, are occurring out of proportion with any causational factors or are occurring suddenly with no apparent reason.
For those of us experiencing anxiety, the intensity of these feelings can be difficult or impossible to escape from. This can lead to significant distress and difficulty working and carrying out our daily lives.
As you read each of the following statements, take your time to think about the answer before selecting the response which feels right. Only you will see the results of this test.
If you’d rather undertake a free, confidential, tailored assessment over the phone — or would like to discuss your results — our team is available seven days a week on 1800 063 332 or contact us here.
All responses are protected by patient confidentiality. Your answers to individual questions will not be stored or saved.