Alcohol Addiction Rehab

At South Pacific Private, we know how difficult it is to take the first step and admit that alcohol has become a problem in your life. The idea of living without alcohol can feel daunting, overwhelming or even impossible.

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Understanding Alcohol Addiction

Alcohol addiction can be a cunning, baffling and powerful disease, driving an obsession and compulsion to continue drinking despite the negative consequences. But there is hope and you’re not alone. At South Pacific Private, we’re committed to supporting you on a pathway to recovery.

We understand the pain of the addiction process – the loneliness, isolation, shame and fear. Whether it’s binge drinking or daily drinking, alcohol addiction cuts across all age groups, backgrounds, ethnicities and genders.

Indicators Of Alcohol Addiction

Do you relate to one or more of these?

  • Denial: Do you have trouble accepting the reality of the negative impacts that continued drinking is having on your life?
  • Physical dependence: Do you find yourself experiencing intense cravings for alcohol, or symptoms of withdrawal such as nausea, sweating, shakes, and anxiety when you stop drinking?
  • Increasing tolerance: Do you need to drink increasing amounts of alcohol, or different types of drinks, in order to feel the same effects?
  • Impaired control: Do you find it challenging to limit the amount you drink, even when you’ve made a conscious decision to restrict your alcohol intake?
  • Powerlessness: Do you promise family and friends that you will stop drinking only to find you are unable to stop? Do you promise yourself you will stop drinking only to find you can’t?

Alcohol addiction can present in different ways for different people. It can manifest as either regular or habitual drinking characterised by drinking alcohol on a daily or near daily basis, or binge drinking or ‘heavy episodic drinking’, characterised by occasions of heavy alcohol use followed by periods of alcohol-free days or weeks in between.

If you’re concerned you may have a problem with alcohol, you can use our self-assessment tool here to gain a better understanding of whether key indicators of addiction apply to your situation. To schedule a free, confidential, professional phone assessment, call our team seven days a week on 1800 063 332.

Your pathway to recovery

South Pacific Private is recognised as Australia’s leading treatment centre for addictions. We focus not only on treating the immediate issue of alcohol dependence, but the underlying causes.

We understand that relationship issues, financial pressure, mental and physical deterioration, emotional distress and legal concerns are common results of a problematic relationship with alcohol, and these stress factors only make the problem more difficult for individuals to resolve.

In a safe and compassionate environment offering medically supervised detoxification options and evidence-based therapies, South Pacific Private offers a space to heal, find hope and begin a journey of recovery.

If you’re ready to start your journey out of addiction, we’re ready to stand with you every step of the way. Call us on 1800 063 332 or contact us here to see which of our programs are right for you.

Why Choose South Pacific Private?

Why Choose South Pacific Private?

We Heal Families

With decades of experience, South Pacific Private is Australia’s leading treatment centre for addiction, trauma, depression and anxiety. Our uniquely comprehensive programs change lives, repair relationships and heal families by identifying and addressing the underlying causes laying the groundwork for sustained, long-term recovery.

Would you like to learn more?

Take A Self-Assessment

The goal of our self-tests is not to provide you with a diagnosis for yourself or for someone you care about. Instead, they are an opportunity for you to better understand how a behaviour might be impacting upon your life or the life of your family. Use these tests to enhance your awareness of what the problem might be.

These tests should be answered honestly in order to provide accurate insight and are a chance for you to reflect upon the current situation.

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Stories of Recovery

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If you would like more information for yourself or for a loved one, our client care team is available to take your call 7 days a week.

Call 1800 063 332

Our Address

A. 24 Beach Street

Curl Curl NSW 2096

P. 1800 063 332

F. 02 9905 9696

E. [email protected]