Codependency and Relational Issues

Pioneering the treatment of codependency in Australia, we specialise in supporting all clients to explore their relationship history and relationship patterns.

Understanding Codependency And Relational Issues

Codependency is sometimes referred to as ‘relationship addiction’, as people with codependency more often than not form relationships that are one-sided, emotionally destructive and/or abusive.

Those of us experiencing interpersonal codependency often place a low priority on our own needs and may become almost obsessively preoccupied with the needs of others. This can occur in any type of relationship, including friendships, family relationships, work relationships, support relationships and romantic relationships.

Repeating patterns of codependency can be extremely painful and overwhelming. Feeling essential or indispensable can leave you thinking there’s no way out and can lead to further mental health problems like depression and anxiety or addictions such as food, drugs, alcohol, or sex to manage and suppress uncomfortable emotions. Our self-esteem and sense of purpose is reliant on other people, places and things.

At South Pacific Private, we recognise that codependency can often be at the core of many presenting addictions, behaviours or mental health issues. Addressing these dynamics and restoring healthy relationships can be key to long-term success.

Indicators Of Codependency

  • Ignoring your own needs and desires while attempting to meet and support the needs of the other
  • Difficulty expressing your own feelings, needs and desires
  • Feelings of being indispensable or trapped, overburdened, used or abused
  • Relationships marked by issues including intimacy problems, abnormal boundaries, power imbalances, control, caretaking, compliance, immaturity, under-achievement, irresponsibility, failure or denial
  • A sense of purpose that is derived from relationships or support, or through another person’s struggles, success or achievements
  • A history of dysfunctional family relationships or prior pain and stress within an individual’s family unit

If you’re concerned you may have a problem with codependency, you can use our self-assessment tool here to gain a better understanding of whether key indicators of codependency or relational issues apply to your situation. To schedule a free, confidential, professional phone assessment, call our team seven days a week on 1800 063 332.

Your Pathway To Healthy Relationships

At South Pacific Private, we aim to equip you with the tools and strategies you need to rebalance relationships, break free from codependent cycles and put yourself on the path to healthy relationships. We offer opportunities within groups and the community to practice setting functional boundaries, esteeming yourself from within and becoming aware of your own needs and wants, and how to meet them.

Our program also focuses on uncovering and healing the underlying causes of dysfunctional relating and dynamics by healing unresolved childhood issues.

If you’re ready to start your journey out of co-dependence, we’re ready to stand with you every step of the way. Call us on 1800 063 332 or contact us here to see which of our programs are right for you.

Why Choose South Pacific Private?

Why Choose South Pacific Private?

We Heal Families

With decades of experience, South Pacific Private is Australia’s leading treatment centre for addiction, trauma, depression and anxiety. Our uniquely comprehensive programs change lives, repair relationships and heal families by identifying and addressing the underlying causes laying the groundwork for sustained, long-term recovery.

Would you like to learn more?

Take A Self-Assessment

The goal of our self-tests is not to provide you with a diagnosis for yourself or for someone you care about. Instead, they are an opportunity for you to better understand how a behaviour might be impacting upon your life or the life of your family. Use these tests to enhance your awareness of what the problem might be.

These tests should be answered honestly in order to provide accurate insight and are a chance for you to reflect upon the current situation.

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If you would like more information for yourself or for a loved one, our client care team is available to take your call 7 days a week.

Call 1800 063 332

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A. 24 Beach Street

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P. 1800 063 332

F. 02 9905 9696

E. [email protected]