It can be daunting to admit for residential treatment. Choosing to enter inpatient treatment for mental health or addiction concerns is a life-changing experience.
Take A Deep Dive Into Healing And Change
Our gold standard treatment recommendation for all clients who are struggling with addiction and mental health issues that are impacting their capacity to live their lives in a productive, meaningful and joyful way is to engage in our intensive core program. This program is a journey of recovery in three stages.
Stage 1
The FIRST stage includes admission into our three-week inpatient program. Research continues to demonstrate that the most consistent way to effect long-term change is to immerse clients in a 24/7 therapeutic environment.
In the first three days, those who need assistance with substance and other addictions will undergo a fully supervised medical detox. We are an abstinence-based facility and utilise the 12-step program to assist with recovery from addiction.
Following orientation, clients will be immersed in a program of group psychotherapy, educational lectures and community activity. At the same time, clients will work with their primary therapists to begin a process of identifying experiences and relationships which have shaped their responses to pain and trauma, working toward addressing the underlying issues which may be driving their experience of addiction and mental health disorders.
During the inpatient period, clients may participate in our renowned Changes Program, which involves five days dedicated to identifying and addressing childhood experiences and the associated developmental trauma.
An essential element of the inpatient program is our Family Program, which can encompass both biological family and chosen family, including friends and partners. Invited family members will join the client for four days, during which a highly skilled therapist will work to develop skills and strategies focused on setting clients and their families up for long-term connection and healing.
Click here to learn more about what happens as an inpatient >
Stage 2
The SECOND stage is moving to our Transitions Program, a day program which runs for two weeks. This program is designed to lock in gains from the inpatient stage and to support clients as they undergo the transition from inpatient treatment back into their families and communities.
This intensive Transitions Program aims to consolidate and extend skills and progress gained in the inpatient program by assisting clients with integrating their new knowledge, skills and awareness into their daily lives. Sessions include education on triggers and boundaries, managing family and work challenges, processing grief and loss, setting goals, practicing mindfulness and continued support with the 12-step program.
Transitions can be attended daily while living remotely, but we do recommend most clients complete this program while staying at our Beachwood Supported Living location, right next door with round the clock support for clients in early recovery.
Stage 3
The THIRD stage of the program is Continuing Care, an array of specific courses offered as day programs and workshops on site and online, in the evenings and during the day, in which clients are provided with the support they need to continue their progress and to ensure long-term recovery.
This phase of day programs, in-person workshops and online programs is designed to support clients over their long-term recovery, and also includes optional family and partner support sessions.
Continuing Care includes sessions focusing on relapse prevention, trauma recovery, managing PTSD, recognising triggers, mindfulness and wellbeing and building resilience.